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Here I added different Aliments/Equipments that will be very helpful to give a new look to your Website. All of these Aliments/Equipments are the source of (X)html Code Generator.

Animated Banners Maker

This tool let you create gifs animated banner online. With a banner you can make ads and increase your website traffic. To use this free online tool, you need to choose a background image. You can choose a background from the banners gallery, from internet or from your computer, a gradient or a simple color. Then, you have to set up a text for each frame of your animated banner. For each frame, you have to choose a text, the color, the font, the size and the position of the text and the frame duration before passing to the next frame. You can make up to 5 frames.

ASCII Text Generator
This generator let you create an ASCII Art Text from a simple text. To use it, you simply have to enter the text you want to use and to choose the font. Then, you have to click on the "Generate" button. An ASCII Art Effect and a (X)html code will be generated. To put the ASCII Text in your website, you have to copy the (X)html code.
ASCII Image Generator
This generator let you transform an image to an ASCII Art Text. First, you have to choose an image from internet or from your computer. Then, you have to choose the text that the image have to contain, if the background has to be black and if the result has to be in black and white colors. When you will finish filling the form, you have to click on the "Generate" button. A preview and an (X)html code will be generated. To add the ASCII Art image on your website you have to copy the (X)html code.
Button Maker
this generator let you create free html menu online by choosing a web 2.0 menu style from a list and by making the menu content.
There are two kinds of web 2.0 html menus, the horizontal menu generator and the vertical menu generator.
Button Maker (Individual)
This tool let you create free (X)html buttons. The generated buttons are interactive, when you pass your mouse on the button, it style changes. To make a button you have to enter it name and it URL. Then, you have to choose a button style by clicking on a button of the following list. When you will finish filling the form, you have to click on the "Generate" button. You will get a preview of the button and an (X)html code that you have to copy on your website to put the button.
We have a lot of different calculators you can put on your site. Just choose which one you want, click the code box and copy the code (Ctrl-C). Paste it in your site's html code where you want the calculator to appear.
Chat Room
Insert the HTML Code given below to your Website/Blog to put Chat Room to your Website/Blog for 101% free of cost.
<iframe width="650" height="500" scrolling="no" src="//" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Clock Maker (Analog & Digital)
This page contain analog and digital free flash clocks that you can install on your websites. To install a clock, you simply have to click on the "Choose" link under the clock. You will be redirected on the page of the clock. Then, you will have to copy an (X)html code on your website. The following clocks are just images, so they don't indicate the real time. To see the real clock, you have to click on them.
Diagonal Ribbon
This generator let you create free online Diagonal Web 2.0 Ribbons. Ribbons are like banners that you can put in the top of your website to make an ad or to communicate a message. To create your own web 2.0 ribbon, you have to choose the text, the font, the color, the size, the link, the ribbon type (Absolute or fixed), the ribbon position (Left or Right) and finally, the web 2.0 ribbon style by clicking on the one you choose. Then, you have to click on the "Generate" button, a preview and the (X)html code of your web 2.0 diagonal ribbon will be generated. To put a ribbon in your website, you have to copy the (X)html code.
FLV Player
this generator let you create free flv video player in flash. The player can read flv, mov, h.264, mp4... formats. He is very simple to use and he has a navigation bar to navigate through the video. The video player use streaming so you can start watching the video before the complete download. The user can adjust the volume and the volume will be memorised so the next time he watches a video, the volume will be automatically adjusted. It is also possible to watch the video in Full Screen. This Flv Player is available in several styles. To choose a style, you simply have to click on it.
Flash MP3 Player
this generator let you create Flash Mp3 Music Players online. First, you have to choose if the AutoPlay option will be activated, you have to enter the mp3 file URL and you have to choose the player's size. Finally, you have to choose a mp3 player style by clicking on the one you have chosen. When you will finish filling the form, you have to click on the "Generate" button. You will get a preview of the mp3 player and an (X)html code that you have to copy on your website to put the flash mp3 player.
Gif Animation Maker
This generator let you create gifs animations from your static images. To use this tool, you simply have to enter the image URL and the delay before showing the next image. You can use up to 10 images (frames) in your gif animation. If you don't want to show a frame, you only have to let the text field empty. When you will finish filling the form, you have to preview the result by clicking on the "Preview" button. If the result looks good, you can download the gif image by clicking on the "Download" button or you can create a permanent image by clicking on the "Get the URL" button.
Gif Animated Image Resizer
This generator let you resize Gifs Animated Images online. He also support other formats like JPEG and PNG. First you have to choose an image from internet or from your computer, then, you have to choose the new size of the image, you can keep proportions. You can also choose the resizing type, if you want to crop(mosaic) or to stretch the image. When you will finish filling the form, you have to preview the result by clicking on the "Preview" button. If the result looks good, you can download the resized image by clicking on the "Download" button or you can create a permanent image by clicking on the "Get the URL" button.
Global Counter
This counter let your create free global counters that you can put on your websites. A global counter is a counter which include various counters in one. This global counter include a online counter, a page views counter, a visits counter(last 24 hours) and a visits counter (since the counter is active). The global counter is available in several styles. You can chose a style by clicking on it. You can also configure the initials values of the counter, the number of the pages views and the number of the visits. Then you have to click on the "Create" button. Your global counter will be displayed, a (X)html code will be generated and the URL of the image of your counter will be generated. To add a global counter on your web site, you only have to copy the generated (X)html code. You can also use the image URL to add the counter on miscellaneous platforms. You can use this counter without registrate on Webestools.
This counter is 100% free.
Google Maps
this tool let you create google maps and add them on your website. To change the map position(Geographic Coordinates) and altitude(zoom), you have to do the changes directly on the map. The Width and Height fields let you change the map size (in pixels). The map default type is the default mode(normal, satellite, terrain...) on the map loading. The Search Zone is a field who lets the users make a search in the map. The Mini-Map is a general map in the bottom at right of the map. The marker lets you mark the place to get the user attention(In the map middle).
Header or Title Maker
This generator let you create free online web 2.0 signatures that you can put in forums (like phpBB, VBulletin...). This generator generates 500px*100px PNG-24 Signatures. To create a web 2.0 signature you have to choose a background (Signature style), a pattern, the text, the color, the font, the size, the position and the background color (can be transparent). When you will finish filling the form, you have to preview the result by clicking on the "Preview" button. If the result looks good, you can download the signature by clicking on the "Download" button or you can create a permanent image by clicking on the "Get the URL" button. Then, you can use it on forums.
Search Engine
This tool lets you put a search engine into your website that shows your website more popular than other simple blogs or websites. This tool is for anyone that wants to add search functionality to their website, but does not have the technical background to do so. It utilizes Google to do the "heavy lifting", so you do not need a database on your server or run processes to keep your site indexed. So basically, if your site is in Google's index, it will work for you.
Sharing Buttons Maker
This tool let you create social bookmark button that you put in your websites by simply copying a javascript code. The social bookmarks buttons let you increase your website traffic by encouraging your visitors to share your website's links on the populars social websites like Twitter, Facebook... This tool also let your visitors share your website on populars social bookmark sharing websites like Digg, Delicious... To use this tool, you only have to click on the bookmark buttons of the style you want and then to click on the "Generate" button. By default, this tool automaticaly d
etects the adress of the page but you can also customize the page and the title you want to share. An (X)html code will be generated, you only have to copy it on your website.
Users Configuration Viewer
This tool let your users see their configuration, like their host, their IP address, their OS, their browser and their User Agent. This tool don't save the configurations or information. Only the user sees his own configurations. To put this tool on your website, you have to copy the following code in your website.

Vote Service (notation module)

This service let you put in your website a vote module, letting your visitors to vote for your site in general, a page, an article... The working is simple, you have to choose the style of your vote module, the starting note and the starting number of votes. Then, you have to click on the "Create" button. Your notation module will be created, a preview will be showed and an (X)html code will be generated to let you put the vote module on your website.

This service is 100% free

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